But at least you'll know I'll be writing! I was overcome by good intentions and now the reality of being required to write something even when I don't really feel like it, or when I've spent most of the day in the city, or when payroll for 50 people is not yet done, or when my computer wouldn't start this morning when I touched the power button (It was a minor but scary problem since I had no recent backups) has become a blazing truth.
Why don't you join me so I will have more than one friend over there in
NaBloPoMo Land. I suspect they are still taking the gullible, the idealistic, and the good intentioned.
You may have only one friend but she is really loud. It is going to be a challenge when fatigue sets in at the end of the day...I'll tag you with some of those wacky questions...they can be a nice change of pace.
I'm so confused.
Off to investigate...
PS: Busy isn't insane! But I won't beg for pictures of your interior porch until the hub-bub settles down :-)
You are a wild woman for sure! I think this year I have to pass...it seems I am suffering from momentary sanity!
Z, I'm sure you are confused!! I just read the unfinished sentences and the syntactical errors of this post (I corrected them, but didn't clarify). There is no excuse except that I was doing payroll at 8 the night before it is to be delivered at 11 a.m. while blogging and checking email. We have family reading time at 8:30 and I never miss that - priorities you know.
Did you figure out that I will make a post every day in November regardless of Thanksgiving and near daily Nutcracker rehearsals that are 70 miles from my home.
Angela, I'm disappointed, but understand completely.
Mrs. G, Thanks for being my friend! I'll try to provide some fodder, as well.
You are a brave woman!
I'm not even going to make apologies for NOT considering it lol. I have my hands full with the Cybils blog kids' book awards, and I'm thinking I might actually get out Christmas cards this year :)
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