Now that I have read excerpts I am even more horrified. These tips for training are indeed torture. I live in an area that still uses corporeal punishment frequently. In fact, I am in the minority by not spanking my children. People think I am ruining them. Corporeal punishment is still used in the public school (one more reason to homeschool). What these books suggest, especially in the Bible thumping/Spare the rod - Spoil the Child South, is a confirmation of the archaic use of the rod and an appeal to take it one step further by reducing the age of accountability. The problem, as I see it is this. If you allow yourself to spank your children you are giving in to a more base instinct of brute force (I would have said primal, but most healthy animals naturally nurture their young, especially primates).
- The biggest, strongest wins. You are teaching your children that once they get bigger they can wield their power and get their way, thereby creating the bully effect.
- Anger and rage many times rule, rather than reason. Parenting is frustrating. Sleep deprivation is costly in logic. Sometimes you just have a bad day. During these times having a stick(or a supply line) around would lead to abuse and not discipline. I, personally, have had days that I have lost my temper and yelled and ranted at my children. No, yelling at your children is not great, but if I used supply lines for discipline and they were readily available in every room of the house would I have grabbed one of them and called it training. Yelling is easier to forgive than bruises, fear and lack of trust. If you made a decision before your children are born to "Spare the Rod" you are more likely to exercise control in these frustrating times.
- The spirit of the child is broken or irreparably damaged.
- Children learn respect of people (not fear of pain).
- Children are validated as humans.
- Children feel like important members of the family because their opinions count. They are not dominated by over bearing parents with switches.
- Children are not scared and they can bloom and grow into something beautiful.
- You might learn something about yourself.
beautifully said, I have been following this story with great sadness, bolstered slightly by the number of sites calling for a boycotte, but you did a lovely job of articulating the alternative to the Pearl's horrific vision.
I am NOT a Pearl fan by anymeans but I would like to insert a thought...there is a MAJOR difference between discipling with a spanking for outright disobedience in a calm, loving manner....and spanking out of anger and frustration for the smallest infractions and without explanation. For a more well-rounded, biblical approach, may I suggest "Sherpherding Your Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp.
I grew up where corporeal punishment was and still is used the way you describe and in the swatting without reason way. I know that you can beat compliance into children, but my question is, Is that what you want to do? I don't want my children to unquestioningly follow adults(even me) or the strongest person. I want my children to think, reason, and make decisions about working with our family. True, teaching without a stick takes more time from a parent's day, but I believe it is worth it.
A good resource is the book Positive Discipline by Dr. Jane Nelson. I have used this method in my own home and in many classrooms of 25 high school age children who society would describe as juvenile delinquents. I have seen the power of trust, consistency, and logical consequences - none of which involve a hand, switch, or paddle.
As a side note, I don't train our horses, dog, or other animals with violence either. In fact, I don't want to buy or own a horse or dog that has been hit. When taken out of routine situations they are unpredictable at best.
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