Tuesday, March 06, 2007

We are still at it!

We are still bottle feeding Mr. S's calf. He came to get it last week, but I didn't want the calf pushed out too soon, so I talked him (it didn't take much) into leaving it until the calf was weaned the right way. I know I'm crazy adding this extra work, but I don't want the calf to die after we have gotten her this far along. Calves are still vulnerable in this in between stage.

OO (we didn't name her) only takes one bottle a day now and if Princess feeds it she has to stand behind a gate because the calf has gotten so strong it can and will knock her down trying to get more to come out of the bottle. This is the danger with bottle calves when they get bigger. The calf that has jostled, followed, pushed, and head butted you since birth is now bigger. The hooves that just pinched your feet when clamoring for food, now bruise. The natural head butting is no longer funny, it is painful. Being pinned against the wall by a frantic calf that weighs as much as you can be scary. OO has grown in strength and size, but doesn't realize it.

In an effort to get OO ready for her future circumstances, we have been letting OO roam with a part of our herd during the day. At night we still keep her in the barn since she is not protected by anyone in the herd. She is eating grass, hay, and clover and is coming along nicely. I would guess she will be ready in a couple of weeks, though naturally she wouldn't be weaned for a while. Those smaller white calves in the picture have not yet been weaned, though their time is quickly approaching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a dearie! And what a lucky little calf. I love the stories from your farm/ranch. Thanks for sharing!