Sunday, August 31, 2008


McCain and Palin are coming to Mississippi to check on our preparations. What on earth? I just can't see what contribution they can make other than to slow traffic. If they really wanted to help they could go heave-ho some sandbags further south than Jackson or even go to Louisiana where the storm is scheduled to have the greatest impact.

Haley invited him. Funny, he didn't look like he needed any help overseeing preparations, but let's face it a hurricane is a great photo op. McCain isn't even subtle.

My parents are on their way here. Traffic is snarled.


Jennifer said...

I suppose, if I were inclined to give McCain the benefit of the doubt, I would consider his physical disability a possible impediment to heaving sand bags.

But you go ahead and tell it like it is, sister!

My thoughts & prayers are with you & yours, and, of course, the entire coastline.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that if he goes near the coast he might be in actual real danger. That kind of stuff makes it hard to control the image you put across. Much better to be in the right state but not too close.

Anonymous said...

I hope you and your family are safe from the inbound hurricane. :)

mull-berry said...

Thinking of you!

Melora said...

That would have annoyed me too. I hope you weathered the storm without serious damage.

Garden State Kate said...

Hope you are all safe and dry.

Unknown said...

I hope y'all are okay.