Tuesday, June 17, 2008


In pursuit of perfect blackberries, we tramped through mud and briers, risked getting chiggers and ticks, and endured oppressive heat. Why? Wild blackberries are the best. No thornless hybrid, no tame orchard berry can even compete.

The flavor and texture differences are subtle, yet distinct - the twang of the wild, I like to say.

My children and I brought home 5 pounds. We picked many more than that, but getting them into the basket is tough. Even though I should have more self control than my children, I know I ate at least a cup - maybe two. You have to test each picking location to make sure they aren't bitter from lack of rain.

Yep, that sounds like a solid defense.

We did have to limit our picking to low spots, the spring stream, and the small spring because we need rain to produce the sweetest berries. Those dry berries have way too much wild twang. Even with the limitation, we got enough today for a cobbler and a jar or two of preserves.

Yum! Yum!

While we were out, we did reconnaissance for a later harvest - wild muscadines. My husband has a small orchard, but finding a wild crop is even better because I like that wild twang. Of course, walking out to the orchard is certainly easier. Looks like we will have a good crop this year if we don't have to share too many with the birds.


Jennifer said...

Your bravery was well rewarded then. Everything is as it should be, you wild thing :-)

Anonymous said...

That is so odd. My experience with wild blackberries is in England where they are a fall crop (blackberry and apple pie, yum) and where the idea of not enough rain to make them sweet is kind of new. The eating more than you bring home situation still happens though.

Wisteria said...

We are seasonally ahead of just about everyone. Gardening books, unless they are specifically written for the deep south, have little relevance. We don't do well with apples either. I'll have to take your word. We combine blackberries and peaches.

I combined my berries, this time, with homemade ice cream.