Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Chicken Wisdom

Chickens have a reputation for being stupid. Though some of their antics appear foolish, I have found watching their interactions and behaviors gives great insight into human deportment. I'm not joking. Really.

Take this rooster for example. He is the same Buff Catalana rooster featured on my banner art, only now he is in molt which leaves his tail feathers and the rest of him lacking a bit.

Funny thing. He knows it.

He is not the same rooster when not fully plumed. He is not as haughty. He is kinder with the hens, not chasing them down for a quickie. He doesn't scream "Look at me!!!" with the same aplomb. He doesn't rush over to the scraps I throw out the back door thinking he is entitled to the best.

Chicken Wisdom
  1. Looking your best gives you confidence to demand respect.
  2. Balding men are probably more attentive to the needs of women since they are not so fixated on themselves.


Jennifer said...

What triggers molting in roosters? Do hens molt, too? If a hen molts, what behavioral changes, if any, seem to accompany the molting?

Is periodic molting in chickens at all related to seasonal shedding in certain mammals?

(I'm seriously interested.)

I had a couple of between marriages experiences with bald men -- bald in front and up top, with hair in back. The guy who was clean shaven but used rogaine religiously and kept the back of his hair long (and dyed) was a complete self-serving jerk who didn't have a clue about women. I never want to see him again. The guy who kept his facial hair and the hair on the back of his head neatly trimmed short was attentive, romantic, and tons of fun. We're still on friendly terms.

I think that proves your theory!

Mr Z is thinning on top and his attitude about it concerns me a little :-) Just a little. He brought me roses last week for no reason at all.

Wisteria said...

All chickens molt about once a year. Most of ours molt at the end of summer when it is so hot and the daylight hours begin to lessen. Yet we have a few hens who go early summer.

The molting hen, for the most part, stop laying. The roosters leave them alone (because they aren't laying). In fact, normally social hens become loners or hang out with other molters.

Got to love roses for no reason!!