Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Window into our Life

I want to offer a window into our everyday life as we attempt to move towards a more sustainable life and educate our children at home. I will, ocassionally, share a meal plan (Don't think I am a domestic goddess. I am not.) based on what is growing in our garden and perhaps share a recipe. I will also share the books we are reading and tools we are using for school. I will write about what we are planting, what is growing, what we are harvesting, what is hatching, and other farm and home events.

Our typical weekly activity schedule is: Monday - Scouts, Tuesday - ballet lessons for which we drive 3 hours total, Sunday - Sunday School. We learn at home with all structured lessons occurring in the morning. I work part time from home in the morning before the children awake, in the afternoons, and sometimes after everyone is asleep. We have plenty of time to explore, play, and do chores. This week is not typical! We have extra activities and we will be traveling with husband, leaving on Saturday.

What's for Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper?
  • Breakfast -- scrambled eggs and blueberry muffins. I will also make bread for sandwiches in the morning.
  • Lunch -- Sandwiches (peanut butter or tuna salad) and grapes
  • Supper -- Cabbage rolls with beef and pork, cornbread, and fruit salad. I make enough cabbage rolls to have them for lunch and to have a meal in the freezer. I am making these earlier in the day because we have the Pinewood Derby race.
  • Breakfast -- leftover muffins
  • Lunch -- leftover cabbage rolls or sandwiches for those who want them
  • Supper -- This is ballet day and we don't get home until 6:30 p.m. I usually stop and get a couple of roasted chickens at a deli. I will add sweet potato and apple hash and green salad to complete meal.
  • Breakfast -- Homemade Granola and yogurt
  • Lunch -- Curried Chicken Salad Sandwiches made with leftover chicken from last night
  • supper -- Chicken Noodle Soup, ham rolls, and brownies. We are hosting a monthly dinner for the elderly in the community so I will make enough for 30 people.
  • Breakfast -- Yellow Grits and Bacon
  • Lunch -- Chicken Noodle Soup leftover from last night
  • Supper -- Homemade Pizza
  • Breakfast -- Granola and yogurt
  • Lunch -- Pasta with Marinara sauce and green salad
  • Supper -- Hamburgers on the grill, cabbage slaw, roasted potato fries
Email for recipes or shopping list. I use A Cook's Book recipe management software that has a cool monthly menu planner with pantry. I get a plan and shopping list.

What's in the Garden and on the Farm?

If you notice we have cabbage on the menu twice this week, so you guessed it. We have cabbage ready to eat. We also have lettuce and broccoli.

I found the first daffodils this week. Perhaps a few were tricked out of hiding by the Spring like weather. It is still a bit early.

The chickens have started laying again after their molt and short light break. I am so thankful for the beautiful fresh eggs.

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